60 Oxford Street
Harvard University
Location: Cambridge, MA
Total GSF: 93,923 GSF
Completed: 2003
LEED: LEED Certified
2007 Boston Society of Architects Building Enclosure Council
Design Honor Award
2007 American School & University
Outstanding Building Award
2005 Boston Society of Architects
Sustainable Design Citation
The award-winning 60 Oxford Street is the first building in Harvard University’s new North Yard Lab Campus. A sensitive location between the University’s dense urban fabric and the historic Aggasiz neighborhood calls for a building small enough to remain contextual but large enough to accommodate a large program of academic offices and laboratories. Clustering small volumes and exterior spaces at the northern edge of the site and larger volumes to the south achieves a respectful continuity between scales.
Building orientation and exterior envelope are the most important elements of energy efficient design. Carefully calibrated screen devices on the east and west facades prevent extreme solar gain and glare in summer, but allow ambient light and solar gain in winter. Energy and daylight modeling confirmed initial assumptions and informed the final design of these screens. Displacement ventilation, a roof garden, stormwater management, photocell-sensitive lighting and recycled material further contribute to the overall sustainable strategy. This project is LEED certified.
Photography © Michael Moran